1 Message
Soft-serve in Germany and Netherlands?
Where can I find Soft-serve in Germany and Netherlands? Which restaurants/cafes/pop up stores etc. do serve it? I really want to try it and am searching your website and insta already for hours for more info on this :')
14 Messages
4 months ago
Hi Mara,
we t-oat-ally understand that you'd love to try our Soft Serve.
You can find it for example at Brammibal's in Berlin and Hamburg, at Café Hüftgold in Düsseldorf, Ciao Amore Pizza in Stuttgart, Bäristos Vegan Deli in Kiel, Café Kibinas in Leipzig and many more spots. If you want us to assist in finding the closest Soft Serve dealer near you just contact us via info.de@oatly.com, and we'll do our best to make it happen.
Aline at Oatly