user_67fb3c's profile

Monday, April 15th, 2024 7:23 AM

Anyone else getting split milk with the oatly organic barista milk?

I am warming the milk either in the microwave or by steam wand and both ways is splitting the milk making the coffee really terrible

1 Message

5 months ago

I have a similar issue. It split when I poured it into my tea which never happened before with any other oatly product. It seems the oatly spoiled after just two days despite keeping it in the fridge. Not sure why or how.

15 Messages

5 months ago

Hey Catherine, 


Oh no! I can understand your frustration with this, I want to assure you that we hear you and don't take your feedback lightly. Perhaps giving you some insight into our Barista Organic will help put your mind at ease somehow. Since our Organic version does not have the same regulators as our non-organic Barista this makes the product slightly sensitive to both the coffee roasts and how the product is prepared which affects the product differently as you've experienced.


We've found that coffee roast with a higher acidity level can make the product taste slightly bitter and at times cause the product to split, and the same can be said when heating. Unlike our conventional Barista edition which is recommended to be best heated at around 60 degrees, the organic should be lower than that to get the best functionality and avoid splitting in your coffee.


I would urge you to give the product another chance as I believe that given what I've mentioned, you can expect different results. However, I'd love to hear more from you as to the kind of coffee brand you've used, so the brand, the roast type, and if you know include the acidity levels of the beans would be helpful, last but not least, where you are located. Your feedback will give us a better understanding of what happened in your case.


If you feel that the product is faulty, please reach out to us via our Complaint Form, and our team will have a deeper look. 


I hope this gives you clarity, but if you feel that you'd like me to dive deeper into this, feel free to let me know and I'd be more than happy to.


I look forward to hearing from you, but until then, I hope you have a great Friday and weekend ahead.


Warmest Regards, 

1 Message

I have been using the organic oatly barista in my coffee unheated, and it splits every time- any advice on this?

18 Messages

Hey Ruth!


I'm sorry our oat drink has been splitting in your coffee, that's not what we want. Have you tried playing around with the coffee you use? We have found that more acidic coffee or lighter roast coffee can cause the oat drink to curdle, so trying a darker roast coffee may do the trick.


Let us know if you give it a whirl how it works out. Bonus oat points if you invite me round for a coffee!


Your oat pal



1 Message

4 months ago

Awful. Been a Oatly user for years, usually use the regular barista Oatly milk. Bought a few cartons of the organic one because it was on sale, and I understand why it was on sale now. No matter the roast or how much you froth the milk, it splits and leaves your coffee tasting really nasty. Super disapointed.

15 Messages

Hey, there Catherine, 


I am sorry to hear this and that your experience with our product has not been what you had hoped for. I can understand your frustration, and I want to assure you that your feedback is valuable to us since this is the only way we can learn from our consumers.


When it comes to our Barista Organic it's good to know that unlike our conventional Barista Edition, this product does not have the same heat regulators and fat content which can make the product slightly more sensitive to the type of roast as well as the temperature it is heated. Our Barista Organic works best with Dark roasted coffee and the optimal temperature is just under 60°, and you will see better results in both taste and foaming, unlike the Barista Edition which works best from 60°.

It is also good to mention that our Barista Organic is not intended to taste like our conventional Barista Edition, we want you to think of it more as a barista version of our Oat Drink Organic, rather than an Organic version of our Barista Edition, so what it might lack in functionality, it surely makes up for in the organic ingredients.  As for the product being on sale, we do not control this on the retail level as this is up to the retailers themselves to determine the pricing in-store. 

We value your feedback and would encourage you to continue to let us know if you ever find that our product has not lived up to the standards that you hoped for.

I hope that this has helped give you the clarity you needed but if you feel that there is something wrong with the product, I would encourage you to return the product to the store it was purchased, and they would be happy to have that replaced for you. 

Warmest Regards, 


1 Message

“we want you to think of it more as a barista version of our Oat Drink Organic, rather than an Organic version of our Barista Edition” then what’s with your very deceptive marketing that clearly suggests it’s organic version of Barista? Why market it as Barista at all if it splits in everyone coffee? Garbage product. 

15 Messages

Hey Colm, 


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, as we appreciate any and all constructive feedback although its unfortunate that you and others have had this experience. 


I understand that you might feel that our messaging could be somewhat misleading, but I think it's important to know that, since we have consumers who prefer to consume our Organic range only, we've had overwhelming requests for us to produce an Organic product that works well with hot drinks which lead to us producing our Barista Organic. Now, we have not tied the word Barista to only one specific product, but rather as form to show the products' ability to work in beverages such as coffee, tea and other specialty hot beverages. As for the Barista Organic, during the products' development we did test it with different kinds of medium and dark roasted coffees and that it worked fine with most of them depending on their acidity levels. Since this product does not have dipotassium phosphate, this makes it especially sensitive to light roast coffee's with high acidity levels. 


I hope this gives you some clarity, but if not, I'd be happy to answer any other questions you might have. 


Warm Regards, 




1 Message

3 months ago

Same issue here. Not a very high acid roast and brewed pour-over with sub 90 degree water. Product still split both when slightly heated and cold. Definitely not a recommendation and quite frankly incredibly strange that Oatly brands this as a barista product.

15 Messages

Hey there,


Thanks for reaching out and informing us of this issue, our team has responded to your email. Please let us know if anything is still unclear or needs more clarification.




3 Messages

@OliT​ I think they replaced something for a cheaper ingredient. No version of oatly ever split or separated on me until a month or two ago and now it does every single time.

62 Messages

Hey Raymond, 

Thanks for your feedback. A cheaper ingredient was not the reason why we changed the ingredients in our Organic Barista. One of the main reasons we couldn’t create an organic version to begin with, was because the acidity regulator we use in our Barista Edition (and most of our other Oat Drinks),dipotassium phosphate, isn’t allowed in organic products. We’ve been searching for alternatives for a while, and we’ve finally developed a recipe that works with potassium carbonate. Potassium carbonate is a synthetically produced salt that acts as an acidity regulator. 

When you say, no version of Oatly ever split or separated, do you mean that you're now noticing that even our non-organic products separate in your hot beverage? If that's the case, I suggest you file a complaint on our website. 

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. 

Oat regards, 

1 Message

3 months ago

Same issue. Looks like I'm going back to... Inorganic?

1 Message

3 months ago

Same here. Looks like this is a basic issue with this product. Aldi Barista Oatmilk is great and doesn't split at half the price!

3 Messages

2 months ago

I use full fat oatly and it used to never split or curdle and now it does literally everytime I use it, no matter what coffee I use. I am using the same machine, it’s so disappointing that’s literally the reason I’ve continued to buy oatly for years. I’ve tried other versions and it’s the same, they changed something in it. No version (full fat, low fat, regular or barista) of oatly has ever curdled for the five years I’ve been buying this brand until a month or two ago and now it does every single time, something has been changed. Time to find a new oat milk.


3 Messages

I didn’t even know oatly

had an organic version

7 Messages

Hey Raymond,


I’m sorry to hear that you’ve experienced our oat drinks curdling in your coffee, this is not the quality that we pride ourselves on.


I can confirm that there have been no changes to the ingredients of our Oat Drink Whole. Would you please be able to share which store(s) you’ve been buying the products from? As it’s possible that it could be a storage issue on their end. 


It would also be super helpful, if you could file a complaint on our website, so that we can get on the case right away.


Oat regards,


Alice at Oatly

1 Message

1 month ago

Just ordered a few boxes of the Organic Barista Oat Drink and have noticed it splitting in coffee when steamed. No issues before with the ‘regular’ Barista Oatly which has been great so far but wanted to go organic. Gutted as I’m not sure what to do with all the cartons I have left.

I’m using a ‘dark’ roast which I love but the flavour just isn’t the same when the milk splits unfortunately.

It’s a shame there’s no mention of this anywhere on the product page/product itself regarding only specific coffee types or not heating above 60°C. I really want to support organic products but don’t feel this has hit the mark I’m afraid.

Any tips on what to do with all the other cartons I have left?!

7 Messages

Hey Billy, 


Thanks for sharing your experience with our Organic Barista Oat Drink, I’m really sorry to hear that it’s been splitting in your coffee. I understand how disappointing this must be, especially when you were excited to switch to an organic option.


From your message, it sounds like you’re already using dark roast coffee and are being careful about the temperature of the water. Something else to be aware of is how hard or soft your water is. Hard water (such as mineral water that contains high calcium and magnesium ions) can also affect the stability of our Barista Organic. 


Regarding instructions on the product page / product’s packaging - I hear you, and I appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Your feedback is important, and I’ll ensure it reaches our product team for consideration.


About the cartons you have left, you could use them in baking or cooking recipes? It can work well in pancakes or smoothies! If you’re open to it, sharing them with friends or family could also be a great option. 


If you have a spare moment, would you mind filling in our complaints form? This way we can ensure that our quality team have all the information they need to investigate the issue.


If you’ve any other questions then please feel free to get back in touch!


Alice at Oatly

1 Message

24 days ago

This is not a customer issue. I have really enjoyed using oatly for quite a while. Please fix the formulation as this has been occurring with all espresso based drink I have made with oatly. Same filtered water, clean machine, beans, process, and pressures. Switched away from oatly and the curdling stopped. I have been making lattes with oatly every morning for the last 5 years, but had to switch due to the curdling/separation.

15 Messages

Hey there, Jeremy


I'm really sorry that you've had this experience with our product, I can assure you that we're equally frustrated in this, especially when hearing that our product hasn't stood true to the world-class standards that they should. I can also understand frustration and that your expectations of our Barista Organic would be same as our conventional Barista Edition, however, these are two different products. Since our Barista Organic does not have the same regulators, and dipotassium phosphates to get it to be an organic, this makes the product especially sensitive compared to the conventional Barista Edition that you might be used to. We like to think of our Barista Organic as a Barista version of our Oat Drink Organic instead. 

Our Barista Organic is more sensitive when used with lighter roasted coffee with high levels of acidity, together with hard water that contains high Calcium and Magnesium ions, which can lead to the curdling of the product such as you've experienced.

Now, this is not a means of taking anything away from your experience and frustrations, my goal is to rather help educate you on the product, and hopefully with this knowledge you'd be able and willing to give the product another try. If not I understand, and I would then strongly recommend going back to our conventional Barista Organic where all your needs would be satisfied like you used too.

I hope that helps give you some sort of clarity as to why this has happened and hope that you can go back to enjoying your brew as you did with us before. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out, and I would be more than happy to answer anything in my power. 


Happy Weekend ahead.


Warmest Regards, 


23 days ago

Unfortunately, we've experienced the same issue. We've been using Oatly for over five years without any problems. While almond milk often separates, Oatly was always reliable and never let us down.

However, the recent sale of the Bio Barista makes sense now. We've tried three different coffee roasts, and unfortunately, all of them caused the Oatly to separate.

15 Messages

Hey there Robbert, 


Thanks for reaching out and making us aware of this, and although it is regrettable you've had this experience with our Barista Organic. 


We take this seriously, especially when hearing that you feel that our product has dropped the ball with the world-class standards that you're used to and expect.

As we've previously mentioned in the thread, we can understand that as a consumer who is used to using our conventional Barista Edition that it can easily be associated with our Barista Organic, but these are two different products, We like to think of our Barista Organic as Barista version of our Oat Drink Organic instead. It's important for me to mention amongst other things that In order for us to accomplish the Organic labeling of this product as Organic, we've had to change our formula and some ingredients, and as a result this makes the product more sensitive to the types of coffee roasts it is used with. Our Barista Organic is especially sensitive to light roast coffee with a lot of acidity, as well as when used with extremely hard water which can result in the product curdling as you had experienced.

Now, we acknowledge that this is not ideal and most of our consumers who are used to our Organic range will not have any of these issues, but I want to assure you that we've had some of the best coffee industry Barista's put this product to the test against competing Organic variants and our Barista Organic proved to be the best in class in this category in regard to taste and function. Now, I know what you might be thinking, "well it didn't this time around now, did it", and from your feedback I'd have to agree with you if that was of course your thought process. So, with the new information I've shared with you, I would urge you to give the product another try and if you're still not convinced, I would highly recommend that you return to using our conventional Barista Edition, again. Furthermore, I would like to clarify that the product being on sale has no relation to the issue you've experienced. 

I hope this helps you and that i've given you some clarity on this product, I would be more than happy to dive deeper if you have any other questions on this topic. 




I received a reply in my mail, but I am unable to see the comment in your forum.

Since I believe in oatly I do find it important to share my perspective. From a consumer's perspective, we expect the bio version to taste similar to the barista version, particularly since it references the barista packaging. We use a standard dark roast coffee, which is one of the most common roasts available, and we’ve found that the bio version introduces a sourness that significantly changes the flavor of our coffee. While the sourness isn't necessarily unpleasant, it does alter the overall taste.

I’m willing to pay a bit more for a better or more environmentally friendly product, but this is the first time I’ve had to return something to the supermarket. I hope this isn’t a widespread issue, though online reviews suggest that others might have had similar experiences.

Best regards,

15 Messages

Hey again, Robbert


I really appreciate you taking the time to share your perspective on this, after all, how else would we learn in order for us to do and be better for our consumers who use our products daily. I fully acknowledge and understand your point of view since this is something that we're in dialog about internally. We can understand how this comparison can be made between the two products, however, through our website we've taken steps to try and educate our consumers about these difference in product, not only for the sake of transparency but more so, so that you as our consumers can get the best results whilst using this product. When it comes to the taste of our Barista Organic as you've mentioned it does not share any of the same characteristics as our conventional Barista Edition, that's because it was never intended to. Since our Barista Organic does not contain any dipotassium phosphate in the ingredients, this results in a differing taste to your morning/ afternoon brew that you might be used to. So, whilst you might be using a dark roast, It's important to also pay attention to the acidity level that the coffee might have that can further affect the taste and functionality of this product.

I really hope that you can come to enjoy this product, as we fully believe it. 


Warmest regards,