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Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023 6:47 PM

Can’t find oatgurt plain in UK?

Hi there! I love the oatgurt plain the first time I tried it last year. But I’ve not been able to find the plain one in any grocery stores in UK, is it discontinued here? I could find the Greek style and strawberry ones, but not plain. :(


23 Messages

1 year ago

Hej there!


Unfortunately for our fans in the UK, our plain oatgurt will be taking a step out of the limelight, but our Greek style oatgurt and Strawberry oatgurt will be still available to keep our oat lovers morning oatgurt and granola going. We’ll let our team know you’d love to see them back on UK supermarket shelves again one day!


Your pal Ali at Oatly 

10 months ago

Yeah completely agree I prefer the plain yogurt to the Greek style. I wish it was back 

47 Messages

Hi Parisha,


If we had our very own in-house Genie then we would love to make this wish come true but alas, our product team can't always work their magic when it comes to bringing back retired products. That said, I shall of course make sure they hear about your dismay (and dislike of Greek style).


All the best,

Bex at Oatly

1 Message

10 months ago

Me too

1 Message

4 months ago

Hi 👋 

I can't seem to find oatgurt greek style 

Please Don't stop it's production oatly😟

I am in Bristol England 

16 Messages

Hi Sumi, sorry to hear you haven't been able to get your hands on our Greek Style Oatgurt! The following Asda and Sainbury's stores should have it in stock:


Hope you can have one in your hands soon!