matteo_martini's profile

Thursday, July 14th, 2022 10:39 AM

Oatly organic tastes like cardboard

Hi there, 

I am an oat-milk lover and have tried different brands. This morning I drank Oatly organic (light brown package) and I had to throw my breakfast in the bin as it tasted like cardboard.. literally! I soon found out that it was your drink that tasted that way, not the cereals I poured my oat milk onto. I also had an Oatly Chocolate and it is was OK, so the problem was with the Oatly organic only. I just wanted to give you a heads up (and show a bit of disappointment to have spend my money on something that I needed to bin straight away....). 

35 Messages

2 years ago

Hi pal, fellow oat lover, Matteo! 


So sorry to hear that Oat Drink Organic didn't live up to your expectations. Although it is of course possible that you simply weren't a fan of the flavour, it sounds odd that it was so bad it was undrinkable. Did you shake it properly before opening? Would you be able to reach out to us over email, at, so that we can investigate further? 



Inez at Oatly 



@Inez​ my Oatly organic is also cardboard!! Exactly the same situation, thought it was my cereal and then my coffee was also awful! Have been drinking Oatly barista for a long time, this was awful! And I’ve bought 3 bottles 😩

35 Messages

Hi @marianne_frances_green !

I'm so sorry to hear that and totally understand that it wasn't a great start of the day.

If you reach out to we can help you out from there, and ensure that you are compensated for any faulty product.


Inez at Oatly 

I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one. Oatly organic has been my got-to for the past few years and it has become an drinkable. It now tastes of liquid dust. I thought it was my foamer! 

1 Message

2 years ago

Literally the same! And I bought 4 cartons!!!

29 Messages

Oh no, oat friend, that doesn't sound great! Do you still have the cartons? Could you please fill out our complaint form so that we can look into this issue further?


Wishing you a great day wherever you are!




Shawn from Oatly

2 years ago

Same! Drank oatly organic for years and it tastes different even swerved it for a couple of weeks but husband bought me a few cartons tonight as he knows it’s my fave, not knowing I’ve had to try others and it tastes different again, googled if it was just me and found my self here… to me it tastes like old water has been used… it’s just off but not as in gone off 😓

29 Messages

Hi Rachel,


We hear you and can say that this is definitely not an experience we want our oat fans to have. We take all complaints seriously, and our quality team is aware of the current issues related to our Oat Drink Organic. So far, they have found no health-related risks but are furthering the investigation. If you could, please fill out our complaints form here. Please reach out again if you have any questions or concerns. We are here for you. 


Shawn from Oatly

2 years ago

Omg we've just had the same! so happy I came across this thread! We just chucked our cereal away, then did some investigating and realised the oatly organic we've bought smells and tastes way different to normal! We now have 3 more cartons and don't know what to do with them :-/ 

29 Messages

Hey Christian, 


So sorry to hear this. If you could fill out our complaints form we can get this fixed for you. Hope you have an oatsome day. 


Shawn from Oatly

1 Message

2 years ago

The same...I just finished a bottle of Oatly organic oat milk (the brown one). It smells like cardboard, bothersome. The use by date is still far, it was properly stored, but the taste is different from all oat milk I have ever tried. I hope it doesn't affect my health. 

139 Messages

Hi Liu,

So sorry to hear that! Although not pleasant a bad or sour oat drink usually won't pose any harm to your health. Please use this form to fill out the details and we'll help you out.

Thank you for letting us know!


Åsa at Oatly

1 Message

2 years ago


139 Messages

Ruined breakfast is never a good thing! Please fill out our complaints form and we'll get back to you. Thanks!

All the best, 

Åsa at Oatly

2 Messages

Why doesn't it say totally vegan on the carton? 

29 Messages

Hey there, James!


I hope you saw my response to the same question you asked in the other post. But I'll quickly summarize that all of our products are 100% vegan friendly and will remain so. On our various packaging, there's a speech bubble with text that varies, and the text there is at the mercy of our creative department. You can always check out the ingredients on the back panel to confirm that no animal-based ingredients are included in the product. Don't hesitate to reach out again if you have any other questions.


Shawn from Oatly

2 Messages

2 years ago

Yes, here the same! (from the Netherlands) we have been drinking the oatly bio for years now and the last few weeks and it doesn't taste good anymore and a bad aftertaste. Is the oat rotten?

And more people here has the same taste and don't like it anymore. 

20 Messages



Oh jee, dat is natuurlijk helemaaal niet de bedoeling! Wat mega vervelend dat je deze ervaring hebt gehad met je favoriete bio Haverdrank. Zou je ons willen mailen op en ons wat meer kunnen vertellen over wat je precies proeft? Dan kunnen we het hopelijk ook een beetje goed met je maken en je vertrouwen in haver weer herstellen!



Ilja van Oatly

2 Messages

1 year ago

I just drank oat milk and it was fizzy!! And sour. Will I get sick?

2 Messages

Fizzy like it was carbonate! So strange. I only had about 3 sips. 

139 Messages

Hi Rach,


sounds like your oat drink has gone sour. So sorry! While not very pleasant a couple sips won't be harmful to your health. Please fill out the details here and we'll keep in touch! 



Åsa at Oatly

1 Message

11 months ago

I also just had the Organic oat milk (it was on offer, I usually drink semi Oatly) and the taste was definitely off, not like it had gone off but just sour and leaves a bad aftertaste. It also leaves way more residue on the sides of a cup of coffee.

139 Messages

Hi Tom,


thanks for reaching out! That doesn't sound right; we'd really appreciate if you could fill out the details about your off Oatly in this form: Product complaint ( We'll get back to you promptly!

Just one thing; it's very true that our Organic doesn't go well with your coffee as it tends to curdle with the acid in coffee. It's better used on top of your cereal or to drink as is!  



Åsa at Oatly

1 Message

10 months ago


Hope this helps…

I have experienced the cardboard taste in the Barista version a few times. I have worked out that this is ONLY when I have purchased REFRIGERATED cartons. I usually buy from the shelf and NOT in the fridges and on the few occasions I have bought from the fridge the oat milk has had the cardboard taste. 
Seems to me like there is no need to refrigerate the oat milk until the carton has been opened.

kind regards 



139 Messages

Hi Carl,


thanks for your input! There shouldn't be a different taste to our ambient or chilled Barista. But a taste deviation may be caused by a number of reasons, oats are plants after all! As mentioned here above we always encourage everyone to reach out and file a complaint if something seems off.


Glad you've found your ambient favorite though! We want to offer both, plus it seems to be easier for people to find us in the chilled section.



Åsa at Oatly