carmen's profile

Thursday, May 18th, 2023 9:18 PM

Who are your suppliers?

You often speak of the high standard you establish for your suppliers, both with their values and application. It is said several times that when it comes to North America and Europe your main suppliers are farmers. I was wondering if there was some more specific information? And what about the suppliers for Asia, since it is a growing market for you and meeting the high demand mustn't be easy. 

Your packaging is also reknown internationally for it's attractive appeal and compelling messaging and images. 87 % of the packaging is recycled from what I've read, but I was wondering where you get it from? 

Thank you for your time and consideration!

132 Messages

1 year ago

Hi Carmen,

Thank you for your questions. Good ones!


Crop farmers are oftentimes part of an agricultural cooperative, mill or distributor; two examples are Lantmännen (Sweden) or Grain Millers (Canada) - both who we buy oats from. Our oat factories in China and Singapore use imported oats from for example Australia. Most importantly we make sure the oats hold the same quality standards - no matter where they're grown. 


We've also throughout the years worked more closely with farms in pilot projects - in fact you can read a lot more on the current one here (called - you guessed it - FARM; Future Agriculture Renovation Movement)!


As for our packaging the 87% consists of renewable or recycled material and we're getting the very most from Tetra Pak. 


Hope this was helpful!


Åsa at Oatly


2 Messages

1 year ago

Thank you so much for your response!