elke's profile

Sunday, August 25th, 2024 4:04 PM

Why dipotassium phosphate? Questionable additive!

we actually really like drinking your oat milk. Unfortunately, I have only just discovered that it contains dipotassium phosphate! Phosphorus can disrupt bone mineralization, damage the kidneys and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and breast cancer (information from the Yuka app, which lists all the ingredients very reliably). Many other manufacturers do not use phosphorus. If you want to eat a healthy diet (and stay healthy) - phosphorus has no place in food.

There is now organic oat milk (Barista?). What about additives?

Many thanks for the answer and best wishes,

28 Messages

14 days ago

Hey Elke, 


happy to hear you've found and like our oat milk! 


Phosphorus is a naturally occurring mineral found in soil and in a variety of different foods like dairy and meat, as well as in smaller amounts in many plant-based foods including oats. We add dipotassium phosphate as an acidity regulator to prevent the oat milk from splitting in coffee. Everything we put in our products is of course food grade and thoughtfully included to achieve a specific outcome in the product, whether that is related to taste, texture, nutrition or function. As always when it comes to diet, it’s the overall diet that is important whether you get too much or too little of a specific nutrient.


We do have oat drinks without added dipotassium phosphate too, such as our organic oat drink and our recently launched Barista Organic. Not sure where you’re based but find the ingredient list for our Barista Organic here (UK version). If you want to read more about phosphates we go more into it here


Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions!


All the best, 
