
ImLouisAndIJustLoveOat • Joined 

October 26th, 2022

About me

Well here we all are, the Oatly website. A place I've always dreamt of visiting. But it isn't until now, or should I say it hasn't been until now, that I am to truly lay eyes upon the grandeur and glory in all it's shining light! Just love drinking oat milk, you'd be pressed to find someone who does so more!!! I think the thousand character limit is pretty liberal, given how many people will read this and the pressure it puts on the author to type out a whole spiel. I say author yeah, art comes in many forms and not everyone gets it. Anyway, more or less I just came here to hang out, drink oat milk, and at long last release my soul from my presumably deceased body into cyberspace forever. You see I signed up to an experimental program whereby they'd upload my consciousness to a profile on a website of my choice upon the pronunciation of my death, and I chose Oatly and also had to write this short message. Doctor says "have you been on that website before?" "No" "Oh"

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