VeganinChina's profile

Tuesday, August 16th, 2022 4:47 AM

MILK POWDER in Chinese OATLY?! -

I am a huge Oatly fan and supporter living in Beijing China. We are very lucky here in China that Oatly has been partnering with lots of local brands and bringing lots of exciting oat-based products to the market.

It is soon mid-autumn Festival here in China, and I have seen lots of mooncakes, a specialty for this Chinese holiday, in stores. I was very happy to see that Oatly has been doing some collaborations with Tmall and Hema supermarket.

However I was disappointed to find that the Hema 盒马 moon cake collaboration with Oatly contains whole milk powder on the ingredients list. I am very confused as to why this would be, as Oatly is a wonderful milk substitute, and it also doesn't seem to align with your  "Oh Wow, No Cow campaigns.

I have written to the Chinese representatives of Oatly, but have yet to receive a response.

I would like to know if consumers of Oatly in China should be more cautious of the Oatly products being sold in China, or can we count on Oatly to produce dairy-free products and collaborations in the future?

Thank you! 

139 Messages

2 years ago

Hi Alex!

Many thanks for reaching out. We appreciate you being our fan!


Hear you and we understand that these questions came up when you got your moon cake at Hema.


Our own products – produced in our oat factories - are a 100% suitable for vegans; they are plant-based without any trace of an animal or animal products in them. This because our mission as a company is to offer oat based products in the dairy section to promote the plant-based shift, for the sake of the health as well as the planet. Wow no cow, as you point out! 


To promote this shift to as many as possible across the globe we sometimes partner up with people and companies that might not be vegan (or even vegetarian). We want to focus on the areas where we can have an impact! This is why we welcome those who’d like to use oat drink as an ingredient to replace dairy (fully, or to the most part). Most importantly, we want to encourage both people and companies who’d like to ‘dip their toe’ into the vegan world since every little step towards more plant-based foods counts.


So, yes – you may find products in the future including our oat drink as well as other ingredients. It’s very important though that our partners are transparent about what’s included on the package and we hope that in this case you were able to see the content of the moon cake.


Let us know your thoughts on this! We’re always happy to chat. Also, we apologize you didn’t hear back from us previously. We’d appreciate if you could let us know in which way you made contact?

Thank you again!


Åsa at Oatly

1 Message

@Asa​ Why sacrifice the brand image for short term profit like this? When I see Oatly I assume it’s vegan. People can no longer make this assumption.

1 Message

@Asa​ Hi Asa,

I'm a big fan of Oatly who's also in China. Every time I see a new Oatly product I rush to wherever's stocking it to try it. Every time I see your company's logo on a product I've never seen before, I get excited.

So imagine how I feel when I tell my friends about a new product I've tried that uses Oatly, and they tell me it contains egg or dairy? Imagine how it feels after happening multiple times?

My girlfriend recently bought me the Oatly x Hema mooncakes and I was so excited to try them neither of us checked the ingredients. When others told me they contain both dairy and eggs I felt really letdown. I felt letdown because Oatly is a company I trust to embody my values as a vegan, and I felt letdown because there is no need to use these as ingredients (I know this to be true as I've come across other brands that offer similar products completely free of animal products).

I know you cannot control what other companies put into their products, but you can control which companies use your trademark and under which conditions they do so. Although the purpose of Oatly, as a company, is to make money, you also (at least on the surface) have a mission. If another company wants to use Oatly in conjunction with milk powder for instance, why not require that they replace it with something else? It's not as if there aren't other ingredients which serve the same purpose that aren't as cheap. Otherwise you risk losing the confidence of vegans such as myself in your brand.

As previously stated, I support the mission to replace dairy with oats, but it's hard for me and other vegans to get fully behind a company which claims on the one hand to be "no cow" but whose branded products include dairy.

Looking forward to hearing your response,



Dear Oatly and dear Asa

Your moon cake collaboration, which contains milk powder, has disappointed me greatly.

Is there a point in creating vegan milk products if they contain products of animal origin?

In addition to being counterproductive, it works against your brand's values.

A lot of the work Oatly does worldwide to promote alternatives to cow milk has been annihilated and trivialized.

It is my hope that you will take into consideration the comments of your customers. In addition, I hope that you will be able to establish collaborations with brands that respect your values in the near future.

The reputation of your company is on the line.

As Oatly China grows, I hope it will become a reputable brand that embodies the same values as its global counterpart.

Best regards, Lionel Roudaut

2 Messages

2 years ago

Hi Asa, 

I'm Max from Vegans of Beijing. 

I appreciate how Oatly has been doing great work to provide alternative milk products in the Chinese market, for vegans and non-vegans. In Starbucks, Woods, and other cafes, your oat coffee has become very popular all across China. My non-vegan friends talked about how they prefer Oat coffee, too.

So in Chinese young people's eyes, the Oatly brand means fun and yummy milk alternative. However, after one of our Vegans of Beijing members found that your moon cake with Hema contains milk and eggs, we all feel being cheated. I mean, it's marketed and labelled as an Oatly brand product, not a Hema product with Oatly ingredient, because Hema is a only connoisseur grocery market! Some of our members decided to abandon your products right away. What's more, the scandal has been discussed in all of our wechat groups for pages! 

How do you want us to understand Oatly from now on? An oat company with possible milk products? And every time you purchase Oatly, you should check the ingredient list carefully? In that case, although there's still milk replacement to a certain percentage, it sounds mediocre, time-consuming, and confusing...If that's your China stategy, as a Chinese vegan, I feel sorry about that.

I hope you can reconsider the marketing strategy and be careful about using Oatly brands when collaborating with other business partners. It doesn't worth it  to sacrifice your brand to please those who's ignorant about your core values and lose your loyal customers along the way. I agree that we need to make plant-based options available to more people, not just the vegans, but don't be shy about the benefits of vegan lifestyle. It benefits the animals, our environment, and ourselves over the long term. More people should know this, and that's both your and our mission! We at Vegans of Beijing are volunteering our time to promote gentle veganism and make the vegan options available to more people, and hopefully, along our path, we can collaborate in the future, instead of ignoring each other! If you want to join our community, you can add me on wechat and I'll bring you in. My wechat id: tofuteacher.

All the best wishes!


2 years ago

I feel like other brands that want to position themselves as "eco friendly" and ride the wave of popularity for enviromental issues  are using the Oatly brand to try to ride on Oatlys coattails, when these other brands aren't really doing anything for the environment and are actually probably doing even more harm with their "saving the planet" products...and Oatly is letting them use the Oatly brand for this, which I don't like at all. 

1 Message

2 years ago

Hi there,

My name is Zoë and I’m a long-time Oatly consumer living here in China.

I am extremely disappointed by your decision to add milk powder to your Oatly x HEMA moon cake collaboration.

I and many others make the assumption that your products are without dairy. Whenever I see the Oatly name, I trust in it’s dairy free status! Very rarely would I check the ingredients. Thank goodness someone here did, and shared it with the vegan social groups here in China. I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

I think this is something you really need to consider going forward… if we can expect more of these products containing milk, I can no longer put trust in your ‘wow, no cow’ brand.

35 Messages

2 years ago

Hi everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this! We understand that when Oatly is included as an ingredient one assumes the product is 100% plant-based. However when it comes to collaborations with partners we see it as a positive step forward when the idea of replacing dairy with oats is embraced. Every small step counts!

Please do rest assured our own Oatly range is and will always be plant-based (please see our products here). 

All this said, we hear your input and will keep all of what you say in mind going forward!

All the best,

Inez at Oatly 

@max_song @lionel_roudaut @tom_chapman @emory_babb @Joey422 @ZoeInTheEast @phillip_atkinson 


3 Messages

@Inez​ Thank you very much for your reply.

I understand that Oatly may be used as an ingredient in certain products, and it may be difficult to control whether it's 100% vegan or not. However, this particular collaboration was posted on Oatly's official Wechat account, which confuses the issue a little more. Only when I went to the physical store and looked at the back of the box was I able to determine that the product contained dairy ingredients.

As it seems that Oatly plans to have these types of collaborations in the future, how can vegan Oatly fans still enjoy your products safely? Should we expect to take on that responsibility as a consumer to take a magnifying glass to the ingredient list every time? Should we limit ourselves to only purchasing directly from Oatly stores just in case?

I appreciate your advice, and should Oatly need any support in spreading your plant-based mission here, the vegan communities here are willing to help.

Thank you,


2 Messages

Thanks for the reply @Inez​ 

Yes, every small step counts in the plant direction. 

I look forward to more plant-based products from Oatly.

If you can talk about the benefits of milk alternatives to your Chinese customers, that would be even better!

Apply scrutiny when collaborating with biz partners in China, because we live in a small world today.

I appreciate all the good work you have done for the world, already!

2 Messages

@Inez​ Thanks for the response. Totally agree about expanding the use of alternatives to the general population.

But just to be clear on the line (so we can communicate accurately to other people) - all Oatly products are and always will be 100% plant based, but any collaborations will have to be double checked for animal products? 

139 Messages

2 years ago

Hi everyone!

Popping in for an update.

First of all, we’d like to say thank you for reaching out about this topic.

Secondly, you should always be able to trust any product that shows the Oatly logo is 100% free of cow-dairy.

So, moving forward we will not, under any circumstances, combine our oat drink with a product containing cow-dairy ingredients anywhere in the world.

Any thoughts or questions you may have, we’re here to chat as always.


@max_song @lionel_roudaut @tom_chapman @emory_babb @Joey422 @ZoeInTheEast @phillip_atkinson @VeganinChina



Louis here from New Zealand via Sweden,

This is so cool that you took the responses on board and interacted with all the comments and stuff. Says a lot about the brand and your commitment to doing the right thing.

Absolute heroes and a very happy ending to the thread. I think few companies would be so open to learning and growing from feedback to this 100% extent!

Keep doing what you're doing and big love!


139 Messages

Thank you Louis - we appreciate you saying so! Without our consumers we wouldn't exist so we truly feel you're all our heroes.


Hope you have a fant-oat-astic weekend ahead!


Åsa at Oatly

2 Messages

2 years ago

I'm even not from China but I'm super disappointed now...

139 Messages

Hi again Marina,


happy to chat if you have any questions! What's your disappointment? 




Åsa at Oatly